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About 'forex exchange wiki'|GOLD – GOLD – GOLD – the fever is alive …

About 'forex exchange wiki'|GOLD – GOLD – GOLD – the fever is alive …

The               Forex,               FX,               or               Foreign               Exchange               currency               market               is               the               worlds               most               liquid               market               in               terms               of               global               liquidity.

Unlike,               many               equity/stock               markets,commodity               and               bond               markets,               the               vast               majority               of               transactions               conducted               on               a               nearly               24               hour               basis               is               done               electronically               between               banks,               sovereign               nations,               institutions               and               individual               investors               and               speculators.

The               Forex               is               also               unique               in               terms               of               it's               overall               market               structure.

Most               markets               have               a               central               location               where               buying/selling               of               stocks,               bonds               and               contracts               are               transacted.

The               Forex               has               no               centralized               location               and               thus               brokers               and               institutions               that               trade               are               regulated               by               government               bodies               where               they               are               located.

Computers               handle               the               bulk               of               the               billions               of               transactions               conducted               every               day.

Prior               to               the               accessibility               of               internet               and               online               trading               in               the               1990's,               the               Forex               was               much               more               exclusive               in               participation.

Usually               large               banks               and               sovereign               central               banks               were               the               only               entities               that               were               able               to               trade.

Individual               investors               and               speculators               did               not               have               brokers               that               tailored               to               creating               accounts               for               various               currencies.

There               are               several               reasons               why               Forex               appeals               to               traders               and               investors               today.

These               exciting               aspects               of               Forex               trading               can               also               be               the               very               same               hurdles               that               can               cause               a               Forex               trader               to               fail:
               Leverage               -               In               recent               years,               a               basic               Forex               trading               account               would               have               50:1               leverage.

A               few               years               ago,               before               government               regulations               and               laws               changed               the               requirements               for               brokers,               leverage               was               as               high               as               400:1.

Leverage               in               simple               terms               would               be               how               much               $1               would               buy               you               in               a               foreign               currency               after               the               exchange               rate               was               calculated.

So               unlike               buying               stocks               where               the               leverage               was               1:1,               the               amount               each               dollar               you               trade/invest               can               not               only               be               multiplied               by               1,               but               as               high               as               50.

This               means               you               can               make               more               money,               with               less               collateral               or               margin               required               by               your               broker.

The               downside               of               course               is               you               can               lose               more               money               per               $1               invested/traded.

               Fixed               Losses               -               Normally               most               brokers               require               a               margin               for               you               to               open               a               trade.

The               equity(includes               profit/loss               from               trades               open               and               closed)               of               your               account               has               to               be               greater               than               this               value               for               the               trade               to               remain               open.

Unlike               other               trading               instruments,               with               Forex,               this               margin               requirement               is               the               most               you               would               lose               if               the               trade               went               against               you.

24               hour               accessibility               -               Due               to               the               global               market               that               is               Forex,               when               one               market               closes,               another               one               opens,               so               you               can               trade               all               hours               of               the               day.

Lower               commissions               and               trade               costs               than               equity,               options               and               futures               markets.

A               new               Forex               trader               has               to               be               mindful               of               all               these               wonderful               benefits               at               all               times.

With               power               and               flexibility,               there               needs               to               be               discipline               and               responsibility.

There               also               has               to               be               an               extreme               respect               for               a               market               that               is               so               dynamic.

The               Forex               market               can               change               from               week               to               week,               day               to               day,               minute               to               minute               without               warning.

While               there               are               a               host               of               other               variables               involved               in               affecting               the               dynamics               of               currency               valuation,               lets               address               the               previous               items               listed               above               collectively               and               add               some               other               elements               that               are               required               of               a               good               Forex               trader.

The               best               Forex               traders               are               able               to               access               and               analyze               risks               at               all               times.

When               you're               leveraged               at               50               to               1,               an               account               is               vulnerable               to               taking               very               large               losses.

One               of               the               few               variables               that               a               trader               can               control               in               trading               Forex               is               the               amount               you               risk               on               individual               trades.

2-5%               of               your               account               equity               is               a               common               amount               many               traders               risk.

So               a               Forex               trader               should               offset               leverage               by               containing               the               amount               risked               within               this               2-5%               parameter.

This               should               be               written               in               a               trading               plan.

Like               any               good               business               plan,               goals               and               objectives               should               not               be               violated               or               changed               with               impulsive               decisions.

Remember,               it's               not               how               much               one               can               profit,               but               how               much               can               one               lose               and               whether               or               not               probability               of               success               justify               opening               the               trade.

Having               more               hours               to               trade,               and               being               able               to               trade               at               a               lower               cost,               can               have               negative               outcomes.

Temptation               is               very               common               when               you               have               a               market               that               is               always               open.

Good               traders               have               to               control               this               urge               to               always               have               to               be               in               trades               in               a               24               hour               market.
               Forex               trading               teaches               you               many               things               about               yourself.

Specifically,               how               you               react               to               losses,               how               you               react               to               profits               mentally               and               emotionally               under               both               stressful               and               euphoric               moments.

There               will               be               many               things               beyond               your               control,               news               events,               politics,               government               interventions,               and               market               crashes.

That               is               the               nature               of               most               markets,               but               especially               with               Forex               where               you               are               1               participant               amongst               the               millions               globally               competing               for               profits,               and               a               market               that's               known               for               substantial               price               movements               and               volatility.

A               great               way               to               improve               your               odds               of               success               is               to               know               and               define               what               type               of               trader               you               are               going               to               be.

There               are               a               few               questions               you               will               need               to               be               able               to               answer,               before               you               invest               and               trade               too               heavily               in               Forex.

Are               you               a               short               term               or               long               term               trader?

Will               you               trade               the               market               on               technicals               or               fundamentals?

The               more               experience               you               gain,               the               more               you               will               be               comfortable               defining               yourself               as               a               trader,               and               whether               your               trading               system               matches               your               trading               goals.
               There               is               always               something               new               to               learn               in               Forex.

The               best               traders               will               have               a               thirst               to               learn.

Whether               it               be               from               other               experienced               traders,               texts,               courses               and               educational               systems.

The               rewards               from               learning               to               trade               Forex               is               not               just               the               monetary               gains               and               profits,               but               the               satisfaction               that               is               gained               from               being               able               to               trade               the               the               worlds               largest               and               most               exciting               market.

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