2013년 11월 23일 토요일

About 'forex exchange at'|4 Guidelines For Receiving the very greatest free forex strategy Process For Use in the Currency Exchange

About 'forex exchange at'|4 Guidelines For Receiving the very greatest free forex strategy Process For Use in the Currency Exchange

There               are               a               lot               of               forex               brokers               on               the               net,               and               I've               tried               dozens               of               them.

None               are               perfect,               some               are               outright               broken,               but               a               few               are               quite               good.

IG               Markets               falls               into               the               positive               category,               but               they               are               not               without               a               few               flaws.

Here               is               a               breakdown               of               their               positive               and               negative               features.

Trading               Platform
               The               IG               Markets               Pure               Deal               trading               platform               is               solid               and               fairly               easy               to               navigate.

The               trades               are               executed               quickly               about               80%               of               the               time.

I               do               get               hang-ups,               where               the               trade               and               platform               freeze,               but               this               does               not               occur               often.

One               disadvantage               is               that               they               only               have               1               platform               to               use.

Many               brokers               have               both               a               java,               and               a               windows               based               platform.

IG               Markets               only               has               a               web-based               platform,               so               it               can               be               slow               at               times.

It               does               offer               the               advantage               of               being               portable.

You               can               hop               from               laptop               to               PC,               travel               and               use               a               net-cafe,               all               without               downloading               any               software.

It's               a               browser-based               platform.

The               charts               offered               here               are               also               mediocre.

However,               their               forex               spot               market               spreads               are               tight;               they               offer               good               bid/ask               spreads.
               They               claim               no               minimum               deposit               is               required,               and               I               opened               my               account               with               just               $200.

Funding               your               account               is               easy               by               credit               or               debit               card               and               occurs               instantly.

However,               since               they               are               UK               based,               expect               a               small               fee               to               be               added               by               your               bank.

This               depends               on               the               bank,               and               Bank               of               America               charged               me               an               extra               4%               fee               (about               $1               on               every               $25               transferred               from               my               BoA               checking               account               to               IG               Markets).

You               can               also               use               ACH               transfers,               but               these               take               about               4               days               to               process.
               IG               Markets               also               owns               Nadex,               and               they've               recently               combined               the               two               into               one               platform               for               your               2               accounts.

However,               oddly,               you               need               to               shift               funds               from               one               account               to               the               other.

If               you               wish               to               place               a               Nadex               trade,               you               must               first               shift               funds               from               your               IG               account               over               to               the               Nadex               account,               which               is               unusual               and               a               bit               annoying.
               Forex               Options               /               Derivatives
               The               offering               of               options               is               IG               Markets'               strong               point.

Options               trading               is               what               puts               IG               Markets               above               most               other               forex               brokers.

They               offer               both               traditional               options               and               binary               options               to               their               account               holders.

These               options               expire               daily,               weekly,               and               quarterly;               so               choose               the               expiration               that               suits               you               best.

The               ability               to               have               both               your               spot               and               options               trades               in               one               combined               forex               account               is               a               great               asset.

This               fact               alone               make               it               worthwhile               to               open               an               account               with               IG               Markets.

There               are               hundreds               of               combinations               I               find               useful               in               pairing               currency               options               with               spot               forex.

This               is               a               handy               feature               of               my               IG               forex               account.

If               I               am               long               5               positions               in               the               Euro               (EUR/USD),               I               find               it               settles               my               nerves               to               buy               2               or               3               EUR/USD               puts               as               a               partial               hedge.
               No               Limit               Orders
               Here               is               the               weak               point               of               IG               Markets:               they               do               not               allow               limit               orders               to               be               placed               in               their               options               trades.

This               means               that               you               literally               have               to               be               at               your               computer               screen               to               place               a               forex               options               trade.

This               is               very               inconvenient.

I               might               be               watching               the               British               Pound               for               a               move               to               a               certain               level,               knowing               that               I               want               an               option               if               it               reaches               that               level.

I               need               to               babysit               the               PC               and               watch               for               it,               I               cannot               just               place               an               order               and               walk               away.

Sometimes               I               need               to               step               into               a               meeting,               and               return               an               hour               later               to               see               my               trading               levels               have               passed.

I've               missed               many               good               trades               this               way.

This               also               puts               you               at               the               mercy               of               slippage               (hitting               the               Sell               button               at               59               and               getting               55               instead).

If               IG               Markets               would               implement               a               limit               order               feature               on               their               options,               they               would               be               the               top               broker               in               the               forex               market.

I've               been               told               they               have               no               such               plans,               but               maybe               the               future               will               change               their               minds.

They               are               missing               out               on               a               golden               opportunity.
               Pros               and               Cons               to               sum               up               the               review               of               IG               Markets.
               Pros:               IG               Markets               has               a               wide               range               of               trading               instruments,               including               options.

Their               forex               spreads               are               tight.
               Cons:               Lack               of               limit               orders               on               options,               and               only               1               trading               platform.

Charts               are               mediocre,               and               are               missing               Keltner               Channels.
               Overall               I               would               recommend               an               account               at               IG               Markets,               at               least               to               try               their               range               of               derivative               products.

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